What's On
Monday 3rd February
Multiply - An evening of board games for those in their 20's or 30's
Every month there will be an evening of board and card games for young people (those in their 20's to 30's - approximately) at St. John's Church
For more information and to find out the date of the next Multiply evening please contact Rev. Phil on 07729 521434

Photo by Papaioannou Kostas on Unsplash

Photo by Karthik Balakrishnan on Unsplash

Wednesday 5th February

The Parish Crafters met for the first time on Wednesday 26th January 2023 when we shared ideas for the different gifts we intend to make and sell at the end of the year to raise funds for St John’s Parish Centre. The aim of the group is to share ideas for gifts, learn and share new skills, and provide a friendly place to chat and have fun, which we did.
The group meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month from 2:30 - 4:30pm in St John’s Parish Centre. We ask people to contribute £2 per session, which will go towards buying craft resources.
It is not just for people who come to church, it’s for anyone who would like to join us.
For more information please contact Chris, 07951 090711, or Janice, 07730 888208, or come along to our next session.
Monday 10th February

Tuesday 18th February

Worship Services

Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

St. John's Church, Filey
At all our worship services we aim to experience the presence of an amazing God through a variety of songs, quiet reflection and both formal and informal prayer.
The word of God is read and we faithfully reflect on that word in a way that is relevant to our lives and needs today.
We believe that Jesus can break into our human situations by bringing salvation, healing, and wholeness as we experience the power of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.
Prayer for healing and other needs is offered each time we meet. We have seen Him transform, restore and heal many lives.

St. Oswald's Church, Filey