View of St. Oswald's from the graveyard

View of St. Oswald's from the graveyard
Google Maps address for a Sat Nav:-
YO14 9ET - Plus Code 6P77+72 Filey
The building has level access from the car park, which is on the North side of the building. There is a ramp down in to the main part of the church building, which includes a level access disabled lavatory. The PA system, which is used in all services, includes a hearing loop. Access to the East end of the church for the choir stalls and altar is via a couple of steps.
Follow the link for more information about the Graveyard at St. Oswald's, including the on-going work for eco-church.
Open Church

We aim to open Church every day from 10:00 to 14:30. Please note that St. Oswald's will close early on a Thursday at 14:00 for cleaning.
However, we are dependent on volunteers opening St. Oswald's, therefore, please be aware there may be days when we are unable to open.
Should the weather conditions be icy, heavy rain or wind, we do not expect our volunteers to open the church, to do so would not only put our visitors at risk but also our volunteers.
Please visit to find a place of peace, quiet and reflection.
St. Oswald’s to open to the Community during daylight hours
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) have prayerfully considered, discussed and agreed, with our Archdeacon’s encouragement, to allow St. Oswald’s church to be opened during daylight hours without the need for volunteers to be present. In his recent email, Archdeacon Andy Broom said this :
You don’t need my ‘permission’ but you do have my ‘encouragement’! It is generally agreed that access to church buildings is a good thing and insurers actually support it as someone is less likely to do damage if they think anybody could walk in at any time, than if they break in and think they have the building to themselves.
An encouraging email from Ecclesiastic Insurance, stated ` I can advise that having a daytime open policy will not make any difference to your monthly direct debit payments.’
It is stated in a written document from the Ecclesiastical Insurance: Keeping churches open outside of service of worship is a key element in the link they have with the community they serve. An open door enables people to find a quiet place to pray, it offers somewhere to sit and think, and it enables visitors to the area to enjoy any historical treasures you may have. A steady flow of legitimate visitors also helps deter those with criminal intent. And making the church building a focal point for the wider community can be a way not only of attracting visitors, but also of having people on site who presence will deter thieves.
We are encouraging our open church volunteers to continue to welcome our visitors to St. Oswald’s as normal. For those who are key holders, we need an unlocking and locking rota, on a weekly basis, one person to unlock the church and for safety reasons, two people to be present to lock the church at the end of the day.
A Health and Safety Risk Assessment has been done. All items of value will be locked in the vestry. To reduce the risk of arson, anything that could be used to start or feed a fire will be locked away. For example, lighters, wax candles. Battery operated candles will be available at times the church will be opened to the public. Please be assured that for all services, wax candles will be used.
The opening hours for the summer months will be – 10.00am to 4.00pm, and for the winter months – 10.00am to 2.30pm. This will start on 31st July.
This is a wonderful opportunity for our community, our visitors who are on holiday, and for those who visit graves of loved ones to have a moment of reflection. A wonderful opportunity to open our doors to allow the beauty of this church to be shared, and in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi – To make our Lord known and loved everywhere, and to spread the spirit of love, joy and harmony.
God bless as we journey forth together.
Filey Museum Exhibition
Whilst Filey Museum is closed for refurbishment, St. Oswald's have display boards on loan to us, in the North Transept. Do keep our museum in your mind, one of the oldest buildings in Filey. It is expected to be closed for approximately 12 months until Spring 2025. fileymuseum.org.uk

Count For Nature 2024
On the 8th of June we joined with about 2000 other churches in carrying out a nature survey and bug hunt in St. Oswalds Church Yard. Further surveys were also carried out in the following week.
An amazing 267 different species were identified, this demonstrates how important. Church yards are for biodiversity.
The Count on nature is an annual event and we hope to repeat next June. Unfortunately, we did not attract families and children. We were joined by one child who was really interested in bugs, snails and worms. For next year we will be looking at how we can better engage with young people.
Many thanks to those who helped including Andrew Cottrell, Anne and Brian Snowden and Margaret Rowling.
Species | Number |
Beetles | 11 |
Birds | 15 |
Bumblebees | 11 |
Butterflies and Moths | 34 |
Flies | 50 |
Grey Squirrel | 1 |
Hoverflies | 23 |
Millipedes Centipedes, Woodlice | 5 |
Mining Bees | 10 |
Other Bees (Nomad, Mason etc) | 11 |
Plants | 67 |
Slugs and Snails | 7 |
Spiders and mites | 6 |
Toad | 1 |
True bugs | 4 |
Wasps, sawflies and ants | 10 |
Worms | 3 |
Photos from Andrew Cottrell.

Nomad Bee

Common Carder Bumble Bee
Eco Church

St. Oswald's Church has won the bronze Eco Church award and is now working towards obtaining the silver award.

Repair & Restoration
The ongoing work of repairs and restoration is never complete with a Grade 1 listed building that is nearly 800 years old. Roof, mortar and stone repairs, windows to restore and the organ to keep in good working condition are just some of the issues we face. There are exciting new projects too with the installation of a new lighting system and re-purposing of the North and South Transepts with a digital visitor area and re-introduction of a side chapel. We are indebted to many contributors and individual donors as well as to some grant making institutions. If you would like to make a donation click on the 'Donate' button or get in touch.
St Oswald's is registered with 'Explore Churches'. We aim to have the church open for visitors between April and September.
A Brief History
St Oswald’s Church is situated on the North side of Filey on top of the cliff overlooking the Bay. Fishermen used to use the church to guide them safely into port as they came home with their catch. The weather vane mounted on the tower is in the shape of a fish which is an ancient Christian symbol, but could also be symbolic of the fishing trade in Filey.
The Parish Church was built during the reigns of King Henry II, Richard I, John and Henry III. It was probably founded by the Augustinian Friars of Bridlington when the land came into the ownership of Walter de Gant of Hunmanby who founded Bridlington Priory between 1114 and 1124. The earliest work dates from 1180 and the church was substantially complete by 1230.
The church is dedicated to St Oswald who was King of Northumbria and one of the great Celtic founders of Christianity in the north. He was killed in battle in AD641.
The tower was originally to have been built at the West end, but the supporting pillar is out of perpendicular and probably the reason why the scheme was aborted. The tower was subsequently built in the middle.
The church has been through several periods of change and restoration including the lowering of the roof. In the 19th Century many of the ancient features were obliterated, possibly including frescos (as seen in Pickering Parish Church), when the walls were white washed. In 1885 the plaster was removed revealing the original stonework for the first time in 700 years.
In the early part of the 20th Century a stone altar was discovered in the stone floor at the centre of the church. Probably pre-reformation and possibly even dating back to the time the church was founded, a small cross can be seen on each of the four corners. These represent the wounds on Christ’s body made by the nails, the spear and the crown of thorns at his crucifixion stressing the identity of the altar as a great and holy sign of Christ. The altar is now situated at the back of the church.
In 1908 a fire at the West end of the church destroyed the organ, this was replaced by the present organ built on the side of the chancel. It is a fine organ recently having been restored.
In the year 2000 a meeting room at the West end of the church was completed, it has a separately controlled heating system and incorporates a kitchen and lavatory.
There are many historical artefacts to be seen, including fine specimens of Sedilia in the south transept and the Reredos. The angels painted on the front panels of the altar were done by Miss Wheelhouse of Scarborough (known to exhibit at the Royal Pulpit), and on the south nave wall is a crudely carved figure possibly of a Boy Bishop. This was saved from destruction when someone offered to buy a workman a pint of ale if he would desist from smashing it up. There are also many beautiful stained glass windows dating from 19th Century and the Fisherman’s Window by Harry Harvey, installed in 1983.
Visiting St Oswald’s
As the church is ‘Grade 1 Listed’ the historical interest attracts many visitors from near and far each year. Volunteers are endeavouring to open the church as often as possible. The aim is for 2 days in the week and on a Saturday from10:30 to 12:30 to allow you to view the inside of the church or just to come and be still, stop, reflect or pray. School parties are also welcome.
The church is a popular venue for family celebrations such as weddings and baptisms, as well as to commemorate the lives of loved ones at funerals. The church is surrounded by an extensive graveyard with nearly 2000 graves dating back many centuries.
Generations of Filey people have worshipped at St. Oswald’s on Sunday mornings when the six bells in the bell chamber call people to worship still.
Whether you are a person of faith or not we welcome all to come together every week to hear God's word, to pray and worship together. St Oswald’s continues to be a living, worshipping community in celebration of Jesus Christ.