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Covid-19 - Coming to Church - What you need to know and what we ask you to observe


Although all restrictions have been removed and most aspects of church are back to normal Covid-19 remains a highly contagious infection. Therefore we would ask that you do not attend church if you have tested positive or have any symptoms associated with Covid-19. We ask you to be respectful of other people because you don’t know what their personal circumstances are!


Face coverings

Not mandatory but you may wish to wear one.


Hand Sanitiser

We recommend you do hands on entry and before receiving Holy Communion



No collection is taken during services, please make your offering on the collection plate as you arrive or leave. Alternatively use internet banking from your phone, use the QR code or the Card Reader.


During the Service

The Peace – remains a non-contact act of sharing in fellowship. (except in your own bubble or at your own risk). Please respect other people’s space and do not be offended if people do not want to shake hands.


Holy Communion - The ‘Common Cup’ is not shared. Where we do have wine the ‘Presiding minister’ will dip the bread wafer in the wine before handing to you. 

NO ONE ELSE IS TO DIP their bread in the wine.


Refreshments – Are available after most services​



If at any time you feel unsafe or think we can do better, please let us know.



Thank you for your co-operation


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